Düsseldorf’s extended Departure Manager goes live

Flughafen Düsseldorf GmbH have further extended their use of the ATRiCS Departure Manager. After seven successful years using the departure manager in Düsseldorf’s A-CDM implementation, the airport company has gone live today with an extension to their existing departure sequencing system from ATRiCS.
Düsseldorf Airport, main airport of the most densely populated region in Germany, has been one of the A-CDM pioneers gaining their full compliance already in spring 2013. The airport company has been improving air traffic flow and punctuality at the airport ever since. With the perspective of a more flexible use of the Northern runway, long-term experience with the departure management system and continued compliance with the relevant Pilot Common Project, Flughafen Düsseldorf GmbH decided in 2019 to extend their departure manager functions. The go live of the system has been successfully completed this Tuesday. Congratulations to the teams involved at DUS, SITA Airport IT GmbH and ATRiCS!