ATRiCS with CAAC delegation at GCAA

ATRiCS with CAAC delegation at GCAA Yesterday ATRiCS CEO, Wolfgang Hatzack, together with a high ranking delegation of CAAC Civil Aviation Administration of China led by Mr Xi Shaobo, Vice Administrator CAAC East China Regional Administration, have been welcomed by Mr...

ATRiCS at Offenburg University Career Days

ATRiCS at Offenburg University Career Days Working with ATRiCS is a demanding job – and lots of fun! Last week ATRiCS had the chance to meet with bachelor, master and PhD students from Offenburg University. We met lots of interesting young people and learnt about...

AVATOR Simulator

AVATOR Simulator ATRiCS to further enhance their simulation capabilities At ATRiCS we are constantly improving our products in view of safety, efficiency and usability. These last months our ATM Validation and Training Platform AVATOR® has seen some major development....

How Augmented Reality might change Air Traffic Control

How Augmented Reality might change Air Traffic Control Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) development have seen a dramatic growth in recent years. The gaming and entertainment world has not only drawn on benefits from this tech trend, but has itself been...

ATRiCS at ATC Forum Dubai 2018

ATRiCS at ATC Forum Dubai 2018 ATC Automation of the Future Do you wonder how automation will affect day to day work of Air Traffic Controllers in the future and who will actually be taking decisions? ATRiCS CEO and Chairman Wolfgang Hatzack held a talk recently about...